Christmas gift idea #1 - The Bialetti Mini Express (in red, because it's Christmas!)

Friday, 11 November, 2022

Words and images by Iain, Coffee Mag Publisher.

There are officially only 6 weeks left to Christmas, and if you're anything like me, you probably haven't given Christmas shopping a single thought. I mean, it was Easter just the other day right? 

I really can't handle the crowds, the malls, the craziness of Christmas shopping, so my plan this year is to go 100% online shopping for gifts, and over the next 6 weeks, Ill share my best finds with you - our dedicated, coffee crazy, caffeine fuelled readers!

Christmas gift idea #1 - The Bialetti Mini Express (in red, because it's Christmas!)

In the box: Mini Express and two limited edition ceramic espresso cups.

This festive little beauty is the perfect Christmas gift. It is all the colour of Christmas wrapped in a box so it is easy to wrap for klutz's like me!

Easy to wrap and it looks like Christmas in a Box!

It looks awesome, it makes two delicious shots of espresso at a time, and the smell that comes from this little baby brewing on the stovetop...well, it just makes you happy! 

Look at that deliciousness seeping out!

I brewed it using a delicious blend of Guatamala, Colombia and Brazil, and I got two thick, rich and delicious shots out it that tasted like marzipan and dark chocolate - not quite a Christmas cake - but close enough! 

I really like this very clever protective rubber handle, so you can lift the mini express off the stove without burning your fingers.

A perfect coffee moment.

I took my little setup out onto the verandah and enjoyed watching the steam swirl up from my shots, the aroma of the espresso in my nostrils and I took a few precious moments to savour the peace and quite of the garden while my shots cooled.

Cheers!  Grazie Bialetti :)

Available from (with a 15% voucher code for Coffee Mag readers - use CM15% at checkout!)

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