Well hello
Ecoffee Cups! Welcome to South Africa! Just in time to celebrate with our 10 ways to Save the Planet article in
the latest edition of The Coffee Magazine!
The fantastic thing about these cups is that they are natural and pretty much unbreakable! Oh my goodness, with legendary clumsiness like mine, one needs a cup that won't break as easily as glass or ceramics. The Ecoffee cups are made of organic bamboo grown in China and are so light they are a breeze to carry around with you to your favourite cafe or when you're rushing out the house with your morning cup!
I actually couldn't believe the statistic when I saw it on the brochure: 100 billion single use take away cups end up in the landfill every year. And then I started doing a little tally about how many cups I personally used just in a week. They add up quickly!!! It's been difficult to get out of the habit and to remember to keep my cup on me at all times, but I'm getting in to a good groove and at the very affordable price of around R190, I can have more than one :)
We have 5 beautiful Ecoffee cups to give away and we'll send it along with Issue 16 of The Coffee Magazine! All you have to do is share this story with the tags
#ecoffeecupSA and
#thecoffeemagazine and you're entered.

Bamboo Fibre
The bamboo fibre used in Ecoffee Cup is sourced from Anji County in northwestern Zhejiang province of China. It is a region very much focused on sustainable environmental practices and since 2003 has been making significant progress in this field. Bamboo harvesting sustains 10,000 farming families in one of China's poorest regions.
See this article
The factory has valid felling licenses. The bamboo harvested is not replacing other native forest. Anji’s farmers have been commercially harvesting bamboo in this region for 900 years!
Important facts:
• Bamboo is a grass species that can grow up to a meter a week. When harvested, it re-shoots from its extensive root system and does not require replanting.
• Farmed bamboo stabilizes soil with its roots, preventing erosion.
• Bamboo is naturally organic and requires no fertilizers or chemicals in its propagation.
• Unlike hardwood trees, which once felled are gone forever, bamboo renews itself readily providing a rapidly renewable, fast-growing resource.
• Bamboo absorbs greenhouse gases and produces 35% more oxygen than equivalent stand of trees.
• One hectare of bamboo can store up to 250 tons of carbon (Qi, 2009). Based on World Bank data on CO2 (2009) emissions, this translates to the volume of carbon produced by 160 people in China (50 people in USA).
• Bamboo contains a naturally anti-bacterial, anti-fungal bacteriostatic agent called “bamboo kunh” which helps prevents odor-producing bacteria from growing and spreading.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s Ecoffee Cup made from?
It’s made from naturally organic, naturally sterile, bamboo fibre combined with non-GMO corn starch and resin
What is the lid and sleeve made from?
They are made from food-grade silicone, made from silicon and oxygen. Both compnents are recyclable with curbside collection.
Why is bamboo good?
Fast growing, quickly renewable and highly sustainable, bamboo is a naturally organic crop that uses no pesticides in its farming. Our manufacturing process is more energy efficient and emits less CO2 than some competitor products. Bamboo is also naturally sterile, preventing flavour taint and, unlike plastic, is biodegradable at the end of its lifecycle.
Does it contain BPA or phthalates?
Can you put it in the dishwasher?
It is safe to put the cup itself in the dishwasher, however, silicone lid and sleeve should be washed by hand.
Will it stain?
Not if you clean it regularly and promptly after use. However, we recommend you don’t leave left-over coffee in it for long periods, as this may leave ring marks inside.
Is it suitable for microwave use?
It is NOT suitable for microwave use as it may mis-shape.
Will it break if dropped?
Treat it nicely! It needs to be looked after, but if you accidentally drop it or knock it off a table, it should be OK. But if it’s thrown, stepped or sat on, it may split.
How long should it last?
Indefinitely, if you treat it nicely.
Will it keep drinks hot?
It is not designed as a thermos, however with its lid on, it will keep your drink warmer longer than a conventional ceramic or takeaway cup.
Will my local coffee shop fill it for me?
Although there is no guarantee they will, we have never had one say ‘no’. Some even offer a discount for using your own cup.
How much liquid does it hold?
Our standard sizes are 400ml (14 fl.oz), a large takeaway coffee and 340ml (12 fl.oz) a medium takeaway cup.
Where is it made?
It is made at the source of the organic bamboo, Anji region in China.
What are the factory working conditions like?
Our factory is ISO 9001 accredited and complies with all international regulations on workplace human rights and working conditions. It has BSCI and SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) accreditation.
How does it biodegrade?
When you’re finished with it crush it, soak in boiling water and bury it with organic compost. 24-36 months.