Interview by Megan Pilditch
Ceara McEvoy: Short Film- Bear Trap
Where did the idea for this quirky tale come from?
The seed of the story was based on an ex-boyfriend who I believed had been stalking me for some time before we started talking. However I later learnt that this was but a figment of my imagination and that I was in fact the one doing the stalking. The character of Alice is loosely based on myself and my OCD with toothbrushes. Visually and stylistically I wanted to create something out of an adults storybook with a French film aesthetic, having references to Wes Anderson as well as Jean-Pierre Jeunet's Amelie.
What was it like being on set and directing the film?
This was my very first 15 minute narrative film so it was all very exciting but pretty terrifying at the same time. Some instances I had absolutely no idea what I was doing but I was lucky enough to have amazing people working with me on set who ploughed on through all my bizarre requests. I don't think anybody on set actually knew completely what the story was about (apart from the actors, I hope) but they worked hard regardless and trusted whatever was going on. It really is an incredible process when you start with the seed of an idea in your head, to then writing it on paper where it takes a bit more shape, to finding your locations, wardrobe, actors, crew to the actual week or few days of shooting where your world is turned upside down and finally the magic starts to capture your story to finally putting it all together with sound and music in the edit where you land up with a completely different film than what you started with- a film which you love as much as you hate for all its characteristics and flaws.

How long did the film take to complete from inception to it being screened?
It was a film project for University and I think we had something crazy like a month to write, shoot and edit our films. I think I was a tad over ambitious with such little time at my disposal but I really wanted to make something that, after watching the film, the audience members would go "what on earth did I just watch?" So I drank some magic muti from my sangoma and turned myself into a crazed up, non-stop working zombie- the ones that eat kids for breakfast and don't like volleyball.
What did you do to celebrate Bear Trap being chosen for the Durban International Film Festival?
I took my cat Patrick to the discotheque and we danced for about 8 hours. Then we came home and ate snickers ice cream.
What is it like being a young filmmaker in SA? Opportunities? Challenges?
I think it’s a difficult industry to crack no matter where you live but I really feel there is little support for young South African filmmakers. I've had support from other young filmmakers and smaller younger production companies. Perhaps I don't know what I’m talking about but I feel you have to do you own thing- team up with other young filmmakers and just make films and send them to festivals. I don't know what I'm doing but I'm throwing stuff out there hoping something or someone will catch on.
Any future film plans?
I'm actually moving to London for a bit to gain some experience and have some life adventures. Already it appears there are a lot of opportunities for young filmmakers here so we shall see what happens. I'm also working on some fun collaborations with a very special young and upcoming comedian.
The Director: Ceara McEvoy
Favourite coffee shop?
I love Truth. That place is nice.
Do you have an office or do you work (write) at coffee shops?
I could never work / write in a coffee shop because I'd get too distracted by the people, food, dog sitting there with his tongue out, actor talking to himself across the room oh he must be doing lines. I don’t mean cocaine lines but lines for a play, little girl feeds the dog some cake while her mom's not looking, banana bread oooh yum I want that, waitress, guy with cigarette, pavement, vespa, hobo... Coffee.
So if you have fifteen minutes free, ample wifi and of course a cup of coffee, take a quick break and watch Ceara’s film Bear Trap.
Bear Trap from Ceara McEvoy on Vimeo.