Words by Iain Evans
I was walking through the terminal at King Shaka, cortado from the W Cafe in hand, when I heard this voice bellow right behind me "Bru!!! It's Joey Rasdien!" I spun around and there he was in all his shaggy haired glory. Except he wasn't talking to me. He was shouting down into his cellphone.
"Ja..in Durbs bru…, nah, back just now…Ous are crazy here."
I had a spare copy of the mag in my hand luggage, and quickly wondered if he'd seen the shoot from the last issue that he featured in. So naturally I spun on my heels and walked straight towards him.
He stopped dead in his tracks, then spun around and headed the other way.
"Joey, Joey…JOEY!" Check this out". I called out.
He glanced over his shoulder and hurried away faster, still shouting into his phone.."Ja bru, they crazy, now there's this mad Uncle following me"
I caught up. "Joey, Joey, check…"
He shouted angrily at me "Can't you see I'm on the……, hey that's me bru!" as he saw the spread I had opened up to him. Back into his phone: "Just wait bru... Ey, check I'm in the magazine!"
I gave him the copy and walked off. I watched him checking in, and he showed all the Check-in ladies and all the fans who gathered around him. Shame, I feel a little bit sorry for the guy, swamped by fans and harassed for photos every time he's in public. Even the Captain on our flight stopped Joey and asked to take a photo of him. Joey quickly headed straight to the sanctity of the Slow lounge, away from the masses.
Later, standing in the boarding queue, he came up to me. "Hey, thank so much for this. I'm sorry about earlier - it's just, so many ou's try talk to me, and I was doing a live interview with the radio station."
It's all good Joey. It's all good, my bru.
Every issue of TheCoffeeMag we feature a different South African comedian to talk about coffee, life and everything else. This coming issue, out 1st week of July, we chat to doctor-turned-comedian Riaad Moosa.
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