CCW 2024: Patrik Rolf + April Brewers Cup

Friday, 24 May, 2024

Exciting news!

Patrik Rolf is coming to Creative Coffee Week, Durban, South Africa, 25-25 July 2024.

Patrik is a dedicated and well respected coffee professional who holds many achievements and accolades, CEO & Founder April Coffee, Runner Up in World Brewers Cup 2019, multiple time semi-finalist in World Barista Championships.

And we will be running the April Brewers Cup, which as Patrik describes it, is a great platform to learn about the official Brewers Cup competition! There will 18 competitor slots available.

“I have competed in coffee since before I even started to work with it. It’s been with me in one shape or another since the very beginning. I know how it feels to forget all your words on stage, spill the coffee over the judges and I also know how it feels to stand on the world stage with the pressure of being in the final. It’s a ride, and win or lose there is so much to learn about oneself and about coffee."

So you will be learning from the best!

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