Cafe Price Index: South Africa

Thursday, 16 January, 2025

In all the craziness happening with green coffee price hikes, the real rub for the consumer will come in the price we pay for our daily cup of coffee. Speculation is running wild on what we will be paying for coffee in the coming months and years.

So we thought it relevant to create a price index so that in a couple months time we can see the effect at ground level. All the experts are saying the price per cup is going to increase drastically, so let's test that theory.

Please comment below or fill out the form with the amount you pay for your daily cappuccino (single shot) or Flat white (double shot standard) and the name and province of your local, let's see what a cup of coffee costs near you!

Also just really interesting to see prices alongside one another.

Things to note:

These prices were sourced through various methods (visiting stores, online research, asking brands) and are subject to change/might be different in stores and we may have got it wrong, but we are endeavouring to be completely accurate so please let us know if you pick up an error. We kicked things off with the franchises as they have the biggest footprint and will add as we receive data and visit cafes ourselves.

This will updated end of March and we will be able to see if the inflation has hit then.

Definitions: Americano, otherwise known as 'a coffee' by customers, espresso shot over water, dash of milk optional. Single Shot Cappuccino, is a short drink ie in a cup between 160-220ml, Flat White is a double shot in a similar size cup. Reasons for this? Short answer is that we're not gauging the price of milk, but milky beverages are the most popular cafe orders.

*indicates a specialty cafe that uses 80+ coffees in their everyday coffee offering

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