Keeping it Clean with Caffenu - Part 1
Words by Iain Evans
I have a very trusty espresso machine at home. It is a Nuova Simonelli Musica and I’ve had it for just over 10 years. I use it every day when I’m at home.
I’m not very good at cleaning it, and I’m lazy when it comes to maintenance of any kind (and I’m sure I’m not alone!) but it is very necessary and important for two reasons. One, it improves the life of your equipment and... Two, it makes the coffee taste better. Much better!
Our friends at Caffenu sent us a little care package the other day, and this weekend I finally got around to opening the box and using the products.
Goodies from Caffenu!
Wow! What an incredible difference.
I started with the very basics - cleaning and backflushing my machine using the Caffenu cleaning powder and using it to also clean out all the grime and oils in my baskets and portafilter. I can honestly say I was gobsmacked at how this product tackled the build up of (far too many) weeks of neglected coffee residue.
Tackling the espresso machine first.
This little guy is amazing!
Needless to say, I got very excited - and I think it’s part of the reason I’ve been so reluctant to do it, is because it is HARD to clean easily. But this product really beats the pants off anything else I’ve used before.
Oh, I also have to mention, that I used the Group Head Cleaning brush - and it was incredible.
I'm embarrassed about how filthy this portafilter actually was!
There we go...clean as a whistle and happy again :)
Like I said, I started with the basics, and I wasn’t sure about the milk cleaner (initially I thought it was for those integrated milk systems like the bean-to-cup machines, but then I saw this video and I used it on the steam wand, with very good results!
My machine has a reservoir, and so my next task is to descale the machine… but one step at a time… that’ll be part 2!
Happy cleaning!