Tribe Coffee Turns 10

Thursday, 15 October, 2020

On the 10th of October 2020, Tribe Coffee turned 10! We can clearly remember meeting Jake Easton, the founder. It was in Johannesburg, Tribe was but a foetus and Jake was there to hustle. There were drawings on napkins. There were tales of the circus. Big ideas were shared. And every conversation we've had since then has been no less interesting. 

The business has evolved and changed and people have come and gone through the years, but at its core, the energy and passion have remained the same.

Jake Easton had this to say, "10 years ago I made my first sale of 5kgs of coffee to Cafe Paradiso on Kloof Street, and after 10 years of madness I'm stuck with a fantastic group of people, who make every minute that I work and every minute that I'm at work as if I'm not working, and more like it's fun all the time. South African coffee roasters rock!"

We couldn't agree more!

A very happy 10th birthday to this wonderful team. If you go into Tribe this week you can get a free filter coffee on them!

The Team! (captioned by Jake below)

Back row: Linda Gwe, Christopher Gaag, Ndomiso Maqubela, Trust Zindoga
Middle row: Matthew Faber, Jake Easton, Ken Machenje, 
Front Row: "Thick" Siddeqa Waggie, Kawthar "Coco" Waggie, "BigBoy" Lesley Mubala
Ground: Mlambo "King Lulu High Priest of All He Surveys" Mlambo

The Founder. Jake Easton.

The Partner in Crime. Chris Gaag.

The gorgeous bespoke packaging for their retail coffees.

The Wholesale good stuff that goes to their partner cafes.

The location. Visit them in Woodstock, 160 Albert Road, The Foundry.

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