Competition Closed and winners announced!
Congratulations to the following 10 Winners:
Jo-Ann Fitz
Camron Andrews
Warren de Villiers
Stewart Dzvimbu
Janka Engelbrecht
Belinda Burdett
Marianne Fourie
Phillip Gibb
Lisa Ryser
Shaun Benater
Do you have green fingers? Have you ever wondered where your coffee comes from and if you could grow coffee yourself? Well they're pretty labour intensive plants, but they give us such an important fruit that we think the effort is definitely worth it.
The team at Amorentia Nursery have been lovingly tending to beautiful coffee trees for the last six months and now it is time to find them some homes!
Lauren Strever, the nursery manager tells us a bit about these trees and how to care for them:
"They are Arabica trees. The yellow berry is a Cataui varietal and the red is a Bourbon.
They need high organic matter in the pot or plant hole. Once producing, they can suffer from overbearing dieback. Care needs to be taken to ensure sufficient nutrition and roots need to be mulched to protect moisture loss in the time of stress. General nutrition guide is to fertilize every month with a 323 or an equivalent."
Joe Marrocco wrote us an excellent article outlining some of the different varietals in Issue 12, you can read it
online here.
If you'd like to order more trees, you
can contact Amorentia directly!
Fill in the entry form below to stand a chance to win these beautiful trees for your home!