Featured Barista

This Month's Featured Barista is Siyanda Ceejay Ntleko from Skyline Coffee Roasters in Durban.

" I love the whole process of coffee and the people I get to meet through coffee. To watch the coffee community grow so much in such a short space of time" 

This humble young barista is hungry to learn and prides himself on presenting beautifully crafted beverages. " My favourite drink is a flat white' says CeeJay.

"My dream is to understand everything there is to understand about coffee and one day if I get the strength and finances I would love to open my own space!"

Watch the full interview below.

If you'd like to nominate your favourite barista to win these awesome prizes and acclaim, you can do so below by filling in the entry form!


in association with Lizzard & Red Espresso. 

Do you know a hard working, selfless and incredibly passionate barista that deserves some recognition and some reward for their efforts? This feature, which will run from November 2018 - April 2019, will shine the light on one special person each month. 

The Coffee Magazine’s "Featured Barista” each month will receive R500 in cash from Coffee Magazine, A Red Espresso Hamper valued at R1000 and an assortment of Lizzard Flasks valued at over R750. 

If you want to nominate a barista, please fill in the form below.

The Featured Barista of the Month will get an interview with Coffee Magazine and we will do on online editorial story on them and send them their prizes.

Nominate Your Favourite Barista!